Ratican Quit Bethlehem Steel
As intimated in The Globe yesterday that Harry Ratican the star center forward of the local soccer aggregation sought a change of climate, is borne out by a press report appearing in the morning dailies and dispatched from New York. Ratican refused to comment on the reason for his desiring a change of scene but it is believed that his action was prompted by friction with some of the players. It is understood that for some time he has not been getting along any too well with certain members of the team and toward the close of last season had already announced his intention of leaving. It was hoped, however, that this feeling might be reconciled by continual personal contact with the players on the foreign tour and that upon his return he would again attach his signature to a form. The dispatch announcing his plans to quite the Bethlehem team follows:
"Brooklyn, N. Y. -- Harry J. Ratican, the famous former Bethlehem center forward has severed his connection with the steel workers and signed up with the Robins Dry Dock for this season and will turn out for his new club next Saturday in a National League game against Morse Dry Dock. Bethlehem was originally scheduled to play the Morse team next Saturday, but owing to several of their stars still being in England and Scotland on special leave, the opening of the cup holders' season has been deferred until their arrival."
Ratican is the fifth player to leave the Bethlehem squad since the opening of last season's schedule and his presence on the Dry Docks should add considerable strength. Three of the players who left are now with the Brooklyn club and include Bob Millar, who has few if any equals in dribbling the ball; Ratican and Neil Clarke. Brown the Canadian entry with the Bethlehem squad left some time ago and returned to Canada while Willie Kirkpatrick late last season quit the team and went to Merchant Ship.