The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, October 14, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Robsin Have Strong Team
Despite the fact that Bethlehem took the measure of the Robins Dry Docks eleven in a National League contest, critics of the kicking game contend that the Brooklyn outfit has one of the best looking aggregation in the country and hint that the team will again romp to the fore among the Eastern elevens at the close of the season. In hopes of improving the strength of their team, the Robins made quite an invasion on Bethlehem players and if the name of the team was omitted at the head of the lineup, a casual observer could hardly recognize it as any other but the Bethlehem team that campaigned last year. At the home offices, the Steel Workers' management does not appear much concerned over the players who have deserted and feel confident with the new men signed to take their places, the Bethlehem outfit need have little fear. Expressions frequently heard among the more thorough of the local critics have been to the effect that the Bethlehem line today is far superior to any team ever representing the local clan. Four former Bethlehem players have been added to the Robins in McKenna, Sturch, Sundberg and McKelvey. In addition to these new men signed are: J. Whalen, late of Morse Dry Dock; Robert Hosie, late of Third Lanark of Scottish League; William Ross, formerly of the Raith Rovers of the Scottish League; Joseph Irvin, for the Johnstone F. C. of Scotland, and Reginald Trett, late of the Brentford F. C., of the Southern League of England. With this influx of imported players, together with the four Steel Workers, the Robins expect to drive through the season to a successful finish.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club