The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, October 14, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer to Make Its Debut
While several soccer teams have already participated in practice games, the sport will really make its official debut tomorrow afternoon when Billy Sheridan pilots his reconstructed Bethlehem Steel F. C. out on the field for action. Sheridan has a squad made up of young and veteran players and in joining the two forces expects to develop a representative team. The veterans were selected from the left-over players of the strong Bethlehem Steel teams of previous years while the younger blood comprises the pick of the sand lot players. The initial offering for the season will be a National Cup game with the Ascension F. C., of Philadelphia, the opponent. The game will be staged on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field and will start promptly at 2 o'clock.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club