The Globe – South Bethlehem
Thursday, October 15, 1914 – Page 14

The schedule for the first half of season 1914-15 shows games on the home field including a first round American Cup and National Cup game.

With so many players on the injured list, Bethlehems management has a hard task before it next Saturday and just what combination will take the field will not be decided until the last minute.

Johnny Small, captain of Tacony, last year who has been working in Bethlehem, the last four weeks is reported to have left for Philadelphia, yesterday and probably will be in the Tacony, now Henry Disston F. C. line-up, Saturday.

Reports from Philadelphia show that Hibernian is training hard for the game with Bethlehems, next Saturday.

Trainer Lynn is doing his best to get the boys in condition for Saturday’s game.

Tacony is still signing new men, its latest addition being Lynch a center forward, who formerly played for True Blue, Paterson.

Ness, last season’s goalkeeper for Tacony, has returned from Scotland and has signed with Tacony, now Henry Disston F. C.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club