In the eastern division there are six districts: New York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Southern New England, and Northern Massachusetts. Following a precedent set in 1917 and on account of the lateness of some of the entries and the difficulties attending the registering of players, it was decided to dispense with a preliminary round and to advance the dates of the first round to Nov. 2.
The date of the second round was advanced to Nov. 23. The Bethlehems, national champions, have again entered and were drawn to meet the Puritans of Philadelphia on the grounds of the latter. Thomas W. Cahill of New York, secretary; Thos. J. Walsh of Harrison, N. J., and J. [...] of Bridgeport, Conn., were the other members of the committee who superintended the pairing for American's soccer classic. The pairings follow:
Southern New York -- Robins Dry Dock vs. Morse Dry Dock, Greenpoint vs. New York, Clan MacDuff vs. Newburgh Shipyards, I. R. T. F. C. vs. Longfellows, Tebo Yacht Basin, a bye.
New Jersey -- American F. C. vs. Victor A. A., Bunker Hill vs. Paterson, Haledon Thistles vs. Babcock & Wilcox, Malta vs. Edison A. F. C, Erie A. A. vs. West Hudsons, Federal Ship and West Side, byes.
Eastern Pennsylvania -- J & J Dobson A. A. vs. Viscose F. C., New York Ship vs. Sun Ship A. F. C., Merchants Ship vs. Germantown Boys, Puritans vs. Bethlehem, Wolfenden Shore vs. Wanderers, Disston, a bye.
Connecticut -- S. K. F. Football Club vs. New Haven, Sons of St. George vs. Bridgeport Thistles, Bridgeport City vs. Bridgeport Rovers, Swedish A. C., a bye.
Southern New England -- Crompton vs. J & P Coats, New Bedford Life Savers, Fall River Rovers, a bye.
Northern Massachusetts -- Chicopee Rovers vs. Hampshire Paper F. C., Abbot Worsted F. C. vs. Lynn Hibernians, united Shoe A. A. vs. Andover United, General Electric vs. Fore River, Lynn Thistles vs. Law[...] League, Boston City vs. Squantum.
Northwestern New York -- Mcnaughton Rangers vs. Kodak Park, Rochester Celtics, Rochester City Moose and Oneida Community, byes.
Western Pennsylvania -- Madison F C. vs. Beadling F. C, Cuddy F. C. vs. Pittsburgh Terminal, McKeesport, a bye.
Michigan -- Packard F. C. vs. Walkerville, Rising Star, Detroit, Bricklayers, Vikings, Pontiac, Caledonia and Roses, byes.
Ohio -- Magyar-Americans vs. Goodrich S. C., Goodyear F. C. vs. White Motor, Firestone F. C. vs. Bricklayers, Ideal Tire F. C., a bye.
Illinois -- Harvey S. C. vs. Thistle F. C., Magars vs. Palmer Park, Bricklayers vs. Rangers A. C., Lake Forest, Swedish-Americans, Lincoln Park, Olympia S. F. C. and Thistle A . F. C., byes.
Missouri -- Four clubs, all byes: Ben Miller A. C., Innisfall S. F. C., Scullin Steel, and St. Louis Screw.