The Bethlehem Steel F. C.'s home season got away to a good start on Saturday afternoon when it scored a win over the speedy New York F. C., 4 to 3.
The home team's edge was so slight, however, that the local fans were on the edge of their seats until the final whistle blew.
A good crowd turned out for the opener. More than six hundred paid admissions were collected. The grandstand was fairly well filled. There was a sprinkling of fans in the bleachers and the usual line of rooters on the south side of the field.
Before the start of the game, the Bethlehem Steel Company Band furnished music for a half hour. The concert was continued between the halves.
The Bethlehem team was at a disadvantage in the first half. IT was engaged in defending the east goal and the sun was directly in the yes of the backs and the goalie.
In spite of this disadvantage, Bethlehem managed to hold the visitors to a tie in the first half. In the second, the local players stepped into the lead and were never headed.
All the scoring of the first half was done in the first six minutes of play. Bethlehem scored first. The tally came about five minutes after the initial kickoff. New York evened the count less than a minute later.
After ten minutes of play following the restart, Bethlehem again took the lead. The visitors always pressed close on the heels of the local team and it was anybody's game up to the last minute of play.
Cassidy was the mainstay of the Bethlehem defense, breaking up many offensive drives launched against the local's citadel. The entire strong of backs and the goalie had to be on the job constantly.
McGhee, the speedy outside left, and Archie Stark, at inside right, one of the high scorers of the American League, were dangerous at all times.
With Big Dan McNiven absent from the Bethlehem lineup, the Blue and White attack was not the one-man affair of a year ago. Bethlehem's four goals were scored by four different members of the forward line, Grainger, Goldie, Maxwell and A. Jackson.
W. Jackson was the only member of the attack that failed to contribute a tally to the total score.
Grainger, the Bethlehem inside right, was twice temporarily laid out after collisions with opponents. IN each case, however, he was able to continue. Davy Ferguson was twice bumped on the head hard enough to daze him.
The play was hard and rough throughout, but the roughness did not appear to be unnecessary or intentionally so in most instances.