The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, October 16, 1918
Likely That Local Eleven Will Be Pitted Against Belgians In Sports Carnival

The Bethlehem Steel team will probably be the soccer selection to feature the big sport carnival which is being planned to be held in New York in the big drive to help swell the War Charities Fund, according to advices received here. No word has been received by Manager Sheridan relative to the affair although it is almost certain that should the services of the Steel Workers be asked to contribute to so worthy a cause there will not be the least hesitation.

Toward the close of the soccer season last year efforts were made to arrange matches between the soccer players of Belgium and the Bethlehem champions, the contests to be staged in the most important cities in the United States. The proceeds of these matches which were believed would total thousands of dollars were to revert -- every cent of it -- to some war charity. At that time Bethlehem announced its willingness to take on the Belgians and were also perfectly satisfied to play the games without any reimbursement. Bethlehem stood ready to do its share in any war charity but for some reason or other trouble was experienced in getting the Belgians together and the matches were then proposed for this season.

The first word of this match since the soccer season opened comes from New York where most of the soccer officials are located and especial credence is given to the advices.

With the canceling of many games due to the Spanish influenza, the Bethlehem schedule will be pretty well crowded. However, this condition will practically exist among all the clubs entered in the National League and the National and American Cup competitions. Still Bethlehem would find time to crowd in the extra game which would probably be played in mid-week.

Referees appointed in first round National Cup games scheduled for next Saturday are: Disston vs. Merchants' B, at Tacony, Jimmy Walder; Hog Island vs. Merchant Ship, Philadelphia, Johnny Walder; Bethlehem F. C. vs. New York Ship at Bethlehem, George Young.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club