The former sandlotters showed great form but still lacked somewhat in the scientific essentials of the sport. However, what they lacked in this department was more than overcome with the dash and pep they injected into the play. Particularly were the forwards fast and clever and showed excellent judgment in shooting for the goal.
Jimmy Easton, Sam Fletcher and the veteran Bobby Morrison, formerly members of the Bethlehem Steel F. C., were the only old-timers in the line, but their presence inspired the necessary confidence to urge the youngsters to their best. All through the game the three veteran players coached their protégés along and as a result he visiting eleven, on very few occasions, presented a threatening attitude.
Several well initiated movements were started by the Ascension F. C. but seldom did they come anywhere near to the Bethlehem net. Sam Fletcher proved a bulwark on the defense and his expert training in soccer was plainly evident with the apparent ease in which he turned back the forward line. Many of the rival shots at goal were from long range and not dangerous.
Early in the game Bethlehem missed an opportunity to score when Lehr placed a corner kick at the very mouth of the goal and a short time later Agsten drove a terrific shot at the net which was brilliantly handled by Conn, the visitors' goal keeper.
Most of the attack was initiated by Bethlehem and the visitors' goal keeper was a very busy individual. Once he saved brilliantly from Trotter and again on a hard drive from Jimmy Easton at close range. Bethlehem, however, scored first blood after thirty-two minutes of play when Charlie Heath gained possession of the ball in midfield and carried it to the goal. When the visitors' defense crowded in on him, expecting the Bethlehem center forward to take the parting shot, Heath passed cleverly to Easton, whose drive completely beat the goal keeper. Five minutes later Heath again drew in the defense and for the second time Easton made good by converting his well directed pass into a goal.
There was no more scoring in the first half.
With a two goal lead the Bethlehem clan was more confident and at the very start of the replay had the ball in the vicinity of the Ascension net. Shortly after the start Mayar brought the ball to the very mouth of the net and then passed to Easton, whose terrific drive very near toppled over Conn in the latter's effort to save.
Bethlehem from then on clearly had the advantage and was pressing hard every minute of the game. The final tally came as the result of clever combination work in which Agsten and Heath played the principal role. Agsten brought the ball to close range and then centered to Heath who drive through without a chance to save. Close to the end of the period Mayar had a narrow escape from probable serious injury when, in an effort to head the ball into the net, he crashed into one of the uprights with his head. He quickly recovered and continued the game.
The visitors were best on the defense, and several times started forward movements but the front line was weak and lacked decidedly in finishing. The lineup:
Bethlehem -- Ascension
Widdoss -- G -- Conn
Fletcher -- RFB -- F. Walders
Metzger -- LFB -- Jones
Trotter -- RHB -- Doughtery
Morrison -- CHB -- Scott
Furry -- LHB -- Mooney
Agsten -- IR -- McGuckin
Lehr -- OR -- Maccusi
Heath -- CF -- John Ryan
Easton -- OL -- Whitley
Mayar -- IL -- James Ryan
Goals: Easton 3, Heath 1. Referee: J. H. Carpenter. Linesmen: Schmals and Kent. Two 45 minute halves.