The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Monday, October 18, 1909

Bethlehem, 2; Reading, 2.

The soccer football season in Bethlehem was opened on Saturday when the team of this place, composed largely of Bethlehem Steel Co. employees, played a tie game with the fast Reading team. The contests between these elevens last year were notably hard, Bethlehem winning on the series.

Saturday's game was, considering the earliness of the season, a good exhibition. The locals showed fair team work, but the Reading resistance was stubborn. The lineup:

Reading -- Bethlehem
Carpenter -- G -- McNeil
Mariott -- RFB -- M. McKinnon
Burns -- LFB -- Rowland
J. Griffith -- RHB -- A. Muirhead
Grover -- CHB -- R. Rowland
Filer -- LHB -- Gilbert
Walton -- OR -- Leonard
Knibbs -- IR -- Lewis
McMillan -- CF -- M. McK'n
Deakin -- IL -- H. Williams
Miller -- IR --M. Leonard
Goals, W. McKinnon, M. McKinnon, Groves 2. Referee, Trend, Linesmen, J. Griffith., Reading; Wortherspoon, Bethlehem. Two 35-minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club