The fullbacks and the goal-keeper of the Boys' Club played a wonderful game and in a year or two might be seen in some of the leading teams. Ferguson, Campbell and Wilson who have been injured for the last two weeks are all reported as getting along nicely and all three should be back again in action within the next two weeks.
J. H. Campbell of the Blue Mountain League made his debut as a big League referee on Saturday in the Bethlehem Steel vs. Boys' Club game and made a very favorable impression in the way he handled the game.
Henry Disston & Sons who defeated the Victor Talking Machine Co. of Camden on Saturday in an American League game by the one sided score of 15 goals to 0, evidently intend to stand by their assertion made a few weeks ago that it intended to clean up the American League this year; no doubt Bethlehem Steel will have a little to say in that argument when they meet on November 20th.