The Globe – South Bethlehem
Wednesday, October 18, 1916 – page 15
Injuries to Players Necessitates Rearrangement of Bethlehem Team.

The Scottish-American team of Newark, N. J., finalist for the American cup last season, will clash with the steelworkers next Saturday on the new athletic field. The visitors have signed several new stars this season and up to date have defeated several of the best clubs in the New Jersey district.

The Steel company team will be handicapped owing to several of their players being on the injured list. Morrison, Spalding and Ferguson will all be out of the game for several weeks and this will cause a rearrangement of the local team.

As a preliminary to the big game, Bethlehem High school and Cooper F. C. will play a Blue Mountain second division league game. T his contest will start at 2 p.m. To the winner of this league will go a handsome silver cup and gold medals.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club