The return of Reid will bring realization to weeks of anticipation during which his journey to America was doubted. Reid, ailing when he arrived in Scotland, had planned at first to spend a season inactive and notified the club to that effect.
While Hispano probably does not enjoy the rating of Hakoah and Giants in Eastern Soccer League going nevertheless the Bethlehem aggregation has the keenest respect for the Spaniards.
Included among the players who scintillate for Hispano are no less than four forwards who are products of American sand lot soccer. Players who learned their playing in this country and who apparently by their skill and aggressiveness learned it well. There is no other major league club in the country that can boast of this distinction. These players are Bernard Malloy, the sorrel topped Bayonne, N. J., youngster who helped Bethlehem in an emergency last season; Deal, an American Olympic player to Antwerp; Findlay, a former New York Giant, and Carnegie. The odd player on the front line is Fernandez, a speedy wing forward. With youth on their side are active every minute of the game and are running all day.
If permission is given to play Valentin Alverez, Havana star, Bethlehem patrons will see one of the finest and hardest playing backs in action. He came to this country with a great reputation and more than fulfilled this rating in the several practice scrimmages in which he appeared. If he plays here he will make his American debut in big league soccer.
During the week Tommy Gillespie developed a cold and the speedy wing forward may not be able to play. However, the team is fortunate in having a sufficient number of front liners available and in the event of his absence Alec Dick, capable of playing either side, will be at outside right. The probable lineup:
Bethlehem -- Hispano
Beveridge -- G -- Duncan
Gibson -- RFB -- Prenter
Allan -- LFB -- Silva
McGregor -- RHB -- Mullen
Carnihan --- CHB -- Rodriguez
Robertson -- LHB -- Patterson
Gillespie or Dick -- OR -- Findlay
Henighen -- IR -- Carnihan
Stark -- CF -- Deal
Jaap -- IL -- Malloy
Purgavie -- OL - -Fernandez