The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, October 19, 1923
Philadelphia Club Will Contest With Steel Eleven in Elimination Match

The stage is all set on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field to entertain the Kaywood Catholic Club in the first round National Cup tie competition tomorrow afternoon when the Philadelphians will be the guests of the Bethlehem F. C.

Final work is priming for thins important encounter will be held this afternoon when a long scrimmage is planned for the Bethlehem F. C. squad.

The Kaywoods will arrive in Bethlehem at noon and repair immediately to the Steel Field. Advance reports are that the visitors are coming here much stronger than in the opening round of the National Cup last season when they were also drawn to meet Bethlehem.

On Sunday the Bethlehem team will journey to New York City for their first meeting with the National Giants, formerly the Paterson Club and National champions last season. Incidentally this is the first soccer game on the Polo Grounds, the home of the National Giants, this season, and Bethlehem was given the preference of opening with the Giants by reason of its drawing power.

Announcement is made by the management that season tickets will not be good for the game tomorrow afternoon. This happens to be a National Cup competition, while the season tickets were issued for American League contests. For tomorrow's game the teams will lineup as follows:

Bethlehem – Kaywood Highfield – G – Scott
Young – RFB – Taylor
Cassidy – LFB – Barry
MacFarlane – RHB – Evans
Carnihan – CHB – Coffrey
Robertson – LHB – Fisher
A. Jackson – OR – Logan
Maxwell – IR – Swingler
W. Jackson – CF – Grines
Grainger – IL -- Hughes
Goldie – OL -- Jacovelli

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club