Hibernian’s ground is very short and narrow.
Hibernian resorted to the rush and kick style throughout the game.
Bethlehems’ defense played good but were brought up considerably.
Hibernian is seldom defeated on its own ground.
Clarke, Fleming and Lance were off in their shooting on Saturday.
Henry Disston F. C. (Tacony) now leads the league with three straight wins and has gotten a great team together and is picked to win the league by quite a number of critics. Next Saturday it will play Bethlehems on East End field. If Bethlehems wins it will tie Tacony for first place. Johnny Small has again signed with Tacony and will play against Bethlehems next Saturday.
John L. Harrison, who assisted Bethlehems at outside right last season has returned to Bethlehems from Minneapolis has signed again with the American Cup champion.
George Carter, who has played with Reading for three seasons and who is considered an able goalkeeper has been signed with Bethlehems’ club.
With Scaife and Carter on hand the goal question need give no worry.