The American League of Pennsylvania will hold its semi-monthly meeting tonight in the Inquirer building, Philadelphia. Secretary H.W. Trend, will represent Bethlehems.
Harrison has joined Bethlehems’ training squad. He has been playing with the Minneapolis Thistle as center forward the last eight weeks.
Where is old reliable Tommy Black we don’t see him around this year? He help Bethlehems out several times last season and may have to do so against this year.
West Philadelphia will be Bethlehems’ opponent on the 31st inst. in the first round of the American Cup.
How many goals is the Fleming, Millar, Clarke, Donaghy, Ford forward line worth?
Go out to the East End field Saturday for the answer.
Campbell is in good shape again.
Bethlehems’ Reserves and Nativity have been given an open date so as they can witness the Tacony-Bethlehems game. They ought to be able to get a few pointers Saturday.
Williams has been nicknamed the “War Horse”. This hustling player knows no fear.
Trainer Lynn is working hard getting the boys in shape for Saturday’s game with the league leaders, Henry Disston F. C. (Tacony).
Improvements are still being made to the East End field by the enterprising Bethlehems Soccer Club, which is anxious to make the public as comfortable as possible.
Percy Crawford the Connie Mack of the Bethlehems Reserves is still smiling over his team’s win last Saturday.