Bethlehem Globe
Friday, October 22, 1915
Champion of Last Season to Meet Camden Eleven, Tomorrow.

On account of the Phillies, National league championship, playing in Camden on the Victor Talking Machine grounds, the American league game scheduled between Bethlehem Steel and Victor Talking Machine Co. has been transferred to the Disston grounds at Tacony. These arrangements met with the unanimous vote of the league. George Allen, Philadelphia, will referee and the game is scheduled to start promptly at 3 p.m. Victor Talking Machine will use only two of the men who played against Disston, last week, it having signed ten new players, four of whom are from Trenton, N. J. The other American league games scheduled are as follows:

Ranger vs. Boys' club, Referee, J. Steele; Hibernian vs. Disston F. C., on the Hib's grounds, Referee, J. H. Carpenter.

The Bethlehem Steel will leave tomorrow at 10:33 a.m. The team will be selected from the following players who are to report at the depot no later than 10:15:

Duncan, McKelvey, Wilson, Morrison, Clarke, Butler, Dean, Murray, Brown, Pepper, Fleming, Gaynor, Graham.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club