Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, October 23, 1929
Bethlehem Booters Booked to Meet Boston and Fall River Teams

Invasions to New England territory which were made at regular intervals before the soccer war, will be resumed by the Bethlehem soccer team over the coming weekend when the homesters travel to Boston and Fall River to play a brace of games. While as yet these contests will not be recognized league affairs it will hardly be many more weeks before victories will be tuning in points in a championship race.

As a token of goodwill the Bethlehem booters were the peace envoy authorized to journey to Fall River some weeks back for an exhibition game. This was when rival factions [...] agreed to dispose of their differences and effect a reconciliation. Since then the legal documents became effective and the strife is now a thing of the past.

On the previous visit to Fall River the Steelmen returned tagged with defeat.

As a drawing attraction the Bethlehem team has been without a doubt the biggest gate to invade that territory. Especially at Fall River where a Bethlehem soccer machine seldom failed to crowd Sam Marks pack to capacity. Financially these clubs have felt the absence of the Bethlehem team and the visitors will undoubtedly receive a warm reception.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club