Bethlehem Globe
Monday, October 25, 1915
American League Game in Philadelphia Was Eagerly Watched by Large Crowd.
The Bethlehem Steel soccer team on Saturday at Philadelphia defeated Victor Talking Machine, Camden, N. J., in an American league game on Disston ball grounds. Both teams presented changed line-ups, Browning taking Millar's place at inside left as a partner to Fleming, Pepper going to center forward and Butler, a new man being given a try-out at inside right as a partner to Dean. McKelvey was shifted from left fullback to right fullback and Wilson played left fullback. The Victor Talking Machine used nine men but they lacked team work and the Steel company team easily defeated them by the score of 10 goals to 0. Captain Howley of the Victory Talking Machine company won the toss and chose to defend the west goal. Morrison kicked off and Bethlehem went down the field with a rush, the forwards working in fine style. Pepper on a pass from Brown, rushed the ball in for the first point two minutes after the start. Shortly afterwards he added another. Victors then broke away and play was transferred to the Bethlehems territory, the Victor forwards getting opportunities from which they failed to make use, their shooting being very erratic. Five more goals were added before half time, Brown, Butler, Clarke and Dean all getting one each and Pepper getting three. The first half ended 7-0. ON the restart the Victors changed their team around and this seemed to work better as they held the Bethlehem team to three goals in this period and although so many goals behind they played a fast aggressive game and never gave up until the final whistle blew. The line-up:
Bethlehem -- Victor T.M. Co.
Duncan -- G -- Burch
McKelvie -- R.F.B. -- Brown
Wilson -- L.F.B. -- Travers
Murray -- R.H.B. -- Feiro
Clarke -- C.H.B. -- Jackson
Morrison -- L.H.B.-- Howley
Dean -- O.R. -- Hulme
Butler -- I.R. -- Joyce
Pepper -- C.F. -- Looney
Brown -- I.L. -- Seaman
Fleming -- O.L. -- Harrer
Referee -- George Allen. Linesmen -- Gaynor and Davidson. Time of halves -- 45 minutes. Goals -- Pepper 4, Brown 2, Dean 2, Butler, Clarke.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club