Choice Menus
Not even when the late American Soccer League was formed in 1921, nor since, has a richer feast been served up for the delectation of soccer fans, than that which is placed before them this weekend. First official step of the U. S. F. A. towards a solution of the ultimate composition of the divisions of the new league just formed — in all probability to be known as the Atlantic League — was the creation of a round robin series between Eastern and American League clubs, the outcome of which will provide material evidence of the relative strengths of the teams. This will apply in most games but not where Bethlehem is involved for with scarcely more than a full side to chose from to play three games in as many consecutive games, the latter will hardly be a true test in comparing merit. These games, however, will provide a basis whereby the teams in open competition for berths in the "charmed circle" may be determined.