Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Saturday, October 26, 1929
Revamped Bethlehem Team Surprises by Outplaying Strong Whaler Eleven

Old "Jock" Ferguson, veteran of many grueling soccer campaigns and in his hey day one of the greatest fullbacks ever to trod an American soccer pitch, has apparently not lost his effective punch for taking down his harness which more than once had been consigned to permanent retirement to play his old position for the Bethlehem soccer team in its clash against Providence last night. The score was 2 to 2.

The veteran paired off with Gibson, at fullback, and although a bit slower than he was in his prime, his excellent knowledge in playing the position, sensing seemingly the strategy of every forward movement, the veteran proved a terror to Whalers front liners.

The game played under the rays of powerful flood lights, an innovation in soccer at Providence this season, resulted in a draw.

In view of the drastically revamped lineup selected from a squad which includes among its casualties Rollo and McDonald and among those still missing Reid and Massie, the result of the game was no little surprise to local adherents and forecast great possibilities when Bethlehem is mustered to its full war strength and again meets in league competition the old New England rivals.

With three days to be played in three consecutive games, the team fielded was selected to reserve as much as possible the strength of the players and as a result there was a general shake-up in position. Archie Stark, premier American center forward and Eastern League leading goal scorer, was shifted to right wing back while Tommy Gillespie, flashy outside right, assumed the responsibilities of the pivot position on the forward line. Bethlehem's right wing had Dick and Henighen playing and the left side the regulars Jaap and Purgavie. And this rearranged combination Bethlehem carried the fight to the Whalers, having much the better of the play.

"Bill" Carnihan, center forward, was given a day of rest and in his position Finlayson, a former Providence star, performed in capable manner, supported at the left wing back by McGregor. Gibson and the veteran Ferguson were the backs with Beveridge in goal. Players who were reserved for today against Boston, along with Carnihan, were Allan, Curtis and Robertson.

After the Boston tilt the team journeys to Fall River where Sam Marks' stars will be the opponents on Sunday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club