Putnam and officials will arrive in town early tomorrow morning. The winner of tomorrows contest will advance to the second round and the loser will be eliminated.
The game will be called at 3:15 p.m. and two forty-five minute periods will be played. In the event of a tie at the end of ninety minutes, the game will have to be replayed in Philadelphia, next Saturday.
A second division Blue Mountain league contest by Victor, this city, and North End, Bethlehem, will be called at 2 p.m.
Blakely, Putnams left halfback, was a member of the All-American team that recently toured Norway and Sweden.
The probably line-up will be as follows:
Beth. Steel Putnam
Duncan G -- Warren
Fletcher -- R. F. B. -- Mountney
Ferguson L. F. B. -- Brooks
Murray R. H. B. -- Walsh
Campbell C. H. B. -- Weldon
Kirkpatrick L. H. B. -- Blakely
McKelvey O. R. -- Hemingway
Pepper I. R. -- Gheig
Ratican C. F. T. Walsh
Butler I. L. -- Brooks
Fleming -- O. L. -- Brown
Linesmen Forrest, Busel. Referee J. H. Carpenter, Bethlehem. A. F. A. delegate D. Carswell, Yonkers, N. Y.