The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, October 27, 1919
University of Pennsylvania Lads are on Losing End, but Put Up Fast, Snappy Game -- New Members of Steel Team Show Up Splendidly in First Appearance

With their regular ranks depleted by the absence of six of the players who have not returned from abroad, Bethlehem Steel opened its American soccer season on Saturday afternoon on Bethlehem Steel Field by defeating the University of Pennsylvania kickers in a well-played game by the score of three goals to one. Several new faces were witnessed on the local eleven, including Blakey, Harris and Morrison, a trio that have already made their mark in soccer, and the performance of each was worthy of comment.

One disappointing feature was the small attendance and it is regretted that the local enthusiasts in such small numbers greeted the tourists. However, those who did journey to the field were treated to a fine brand of soccer and it is almost certain that when the team resumes its campaigning in the league and cup events, more interest will be attached to the contests and the fans will then turnout in appreciation of the American and International champion eleven representing this city.

Bethlehem opened the game in great style and Fleming in brilliant fashion invaded the Penn defense and shot for goal, barely missing the net. Within two minutes Bethlehem scored when Harris found an opening. For the remainder of the half Bethlehem's offense was halted by the wonderful work in goal of Harrison. Repeatedly he was called upon to defend his citadel and came out unscathed. Shots in rapid succession were directed at him from all angles, but he was not to be passed. The new players for Bethlehem showed to good advantage and Harris' work at center forward was noteworthy. J. W. Morrison, at right halfback, and Blakey, at left halfback, were at all times safe and fed the forwards with judgment and accuracy.

In the second period Bethlehem opened in much the same style as in the first, but the goal scored this time was by the outside right recruit, Joe Morrison, who received his first opportunity and displayed a class of soccer that was surprising.

Penn played at top speed and it was not surprising that their efforts resulted in a score. This came after ten minutes of play from a pretty pass, Bingham to Nassau, who placed the ball beyond Duncan's reach. Penn's team displayed more skill and speed than expected. In particular, the efforts of Binns, Nassau, Bingham and Harrison were clever.

The final score was made by Harris within ten minutes of time, when he took the ball past several Penn players and from a difficult angle and with his left foot completely beat Harrison.

Bethlehem -- Pennsylvania
Duncan -- G -- Harrison
Murray -- RFB -- Darrow
Whitson -- LFB -- Cooper
W. Morrison -- RHB -- Robb
R. Morrison -- CHB -- Binns
Blakey -- LHB -- Tompson
K. Morrison -- OR -- Bingham
Gilmore -- IR -- Spencer
Harris -- CF -- Nassau
Easton -- IL -- Pennell
Fleming -- OL -- Donlin
Referee -- J. H. Carpenter. Linesmen -- Galbraith and Pennell. Two 40-minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club