Bethlehem Steel is undergoing special training for Saturday's game. Yesterday afternoon it lined up against Lehigh University and during sixty minutes the play was fast. Several new plays were worked out. Lehigh showed up well against its more experienced opponents and although defeated by the score of 3-1 it played a fast and aggressive game and should make a good showing in the coming intercollegiate series. Hibernian is reported to be in strict training and there is no doubt but that Saturday's game will be one of the hardest fought on the local gridiron. Hibernian has signed several new stars, including Blaney, former captain of the Hibernian team and noted as one of the most aggressive players in Philadelphia, also a new goalkeeper. They also have two first-class goalkeepers, Pearce and Hughes, while Jones the new fullback was reported as having played a sterling game against the Disston eleven last Saturday. It will bring eighteen men to Bethlehem on Saturday. The Bethlehem team will conclude training tomorrow. Butler the new man recently signed by the Bethlehem team and who was tried out last week against the Victor Talking Machine will not be eligible to take part in next Saturday's cup competition as the rules in the cup competition states that a player must be registered with the association no less than fourteen days previous to a cup game.