In connection with the Sports War Work Campaign it is quite certain that the Bethlehem soccer champions will appear in Philadelphia and New York against the pick of the best players in those districts. Manager Sheridan was notified this morning by the Steel Co., officials that he can go ahead and make arrangements for a game or series of games that in any way are in the interest of the war. Since it has been the plan of the War Work committee to show the champions in the soccer end of the program, it is practically certain that the Champions will be seen in action in each of the above named cities.
It was hoped that he Belgians could be brought here for these contest but it is understood that no word has been received from them to this date and in order to close for the soccer attraction other arrangements are being made. While the game in New York is still pending, it is understood that Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association in charge of the soccer program on the sports campaign committee, has made a suggestion that will be carried through. It is his purpose to recruit a tame from among the best players in the New York district to oppose the Steel Workers at the Polo Grounds. The possibility of the Quaker City game is also said to be very favorable and that the Steel Workers will most likely have as their opponents the pick of the ship yard teams. The latter would most likely present the greatest opposition since most of the star players in this part of the country signed up with the ship builders before the season.
Relative to the Steel Workers Manager Sheridan stated that the players are not losing any interest in the game and although they were forced to lay off for several weeks on account of the influenza ban, they will be good and strong when they figure in a scheduled contest. "This is not time to lay off practice," said Manager Sheridan. "The players all know that the first game to be played when the ban is lifted will be a National Cup competition and realize what it means to be in good condition."
The New York Ship team is one scheduled to open the National Cup competition with Bethlehem and since included in the makeup of their squad there are several former Bethlehem players, a strong effort will be made to defeat the champions. The New York Ship also have the former Disston backfield and these players are well acquainted with the Bethlehem style of playing having only been the only team last season that made a strong showing against Bethlehem.