The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, October 30, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

A Dream Not Impossible to Realize
From local soccer magnates it is learned that an average attendance of several thousand insures big league soccer in Bethlehem for all time to come. Locally it has frequently been complained that the frigid temperatures prevailing during the winter months has swayed close to a warm cozy fireside rather than a ninety minute session on an open field. IF an average attendance of two thousand, lets say, insures permanent big league soccer in Bethlehem, why not increase these ranks to a few hundred more and then tell, in all probability, the fans could witness the games without the discomfort of the piercing winter winds. That such conditions are possible can readily be gleaned by the facilities available and presumably at a very little expense. The grand stand on the Steel Field is excellently designed for heating. Thee sides are enclosed, leaving only the front open. Heating devices could be arranged with heat supplied by the furnace in the basement which as a rule on a day of a game and practically throughout the winter is in operation, providing heat for the gymnasium and hot showers, which through the courtesy of the Bethlehem steel co. is open for use of the public. There is no reason that such a move is contemplated by the moguls. However, it is known that soccer is not conducted in Bethlehem for a profit. More often in the last several years with a deficit noted on the credit side of the ledger. Also that if the cooperation and patronage warranted, the management would leave nothing undone to add to the many conveniences already available and comfort of the patrons.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club