The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, October 31, 1917

The Bethlehem Steel soccer team is training hard for the National League game with Paterson at Paterson, Sunday, Nov. 4th, and should be able to go the full 90 minutes at a fast pace. Reports from Paterson are to the effect that enthusiasm is running high and a record crowd will undoubtedly be on hand to witness the game. The Paterson management feel that a victory over the Steel Workers will make their pennant prospects bright. Therefore there is no doubt about the strenuousness of the game the Paterson Club will put up and the Steel Workers will do well to take this game even more seriously than any game they have played this season.

Harry Ratican has returned from St. Louis and is training hard for future league and cup contests. Harry's aggressiveness and speed is his greatest asset, keeping the defense of the opposition on the jump at all times.

Murray, Campbell and Kirkpatrick can be relied upon to break up the Paterson combination. A better halfback line than this trio are not to be found in this country.

Ferguson gave a great display at fullback last Sunday against the Veterans. The fans have become so accustomed to his steadiness that a miskick by him would send a thrill through the stand.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club