The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, November 1, 1923
Former Local Player Will Appear With New York Giants Against

J. Harry Ratican, ex-Bethlehem player, coach of soccer at the United States Military Academy at West Point and generally accepted around Bethlehem as "one of the boys," has been unable to restrain the lure of the soccer field and is again back in harness after an absence of three seasons. And what is more significant to Bethlehem soccer enthusiasts is that the fact that J. Harry Ratican will oppose his former teammates in center forward or one of the other forward positions when the National Giants of New York invade the Steel Field on Saturday afternoon to take a fling at the Bethlehem team.

OF all the games scheduled in the circuit over the weekend, it is doubtful if any stimulate the interest manifest in the home clash, particularly from a local standpoint. The Giants are the old Paterson team, and the National Challenge Cup is at present in their possession as a result of winning that competition last season. Jimmy Scott, Peter Sweeney, Joe Reynolds and Billy Fryer are the only players remaining from last season's outfit. Those who have succeeded the veterans who retired are Goalie Brown, from the Glasgow Parkhead; fullback McIllwraith, from an English First Division league team; Johnny Robb, from Hamilton; Eddie McAuslin, of the New Yorks; and Heeps of the Hamilton team. The Giants are a much stronger team than their score indicated against the New York last week. The trouble, however, seems to be the unfamiliarity with each other's play and the lack of knowledge of what the other fellow with do with the ball. For all that, the Giants are individually a brilliant lot who are past masters of the dribbling game and who are bound to cut loose eventually by amassing substantial scores. This is not likely to happen against the Bethlehems, but there is every chance that Saturday's tilt will be one worth seeing as the two rivals are unquestioningly the very best teams in the American League circuit.


Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club