Bethlehem Globe
Tuesday, November 2, 1915
Visitors Defeated by the Score of 6-0 in Well Played Game in Bethlehem.

Bethlehem Steel, National Cup holders, on Saturday eliminated Hibernian, Philadelphia, in the first round of the American Cup competition by the score of 6 goals to 0 on East End field. Both teams were at full strength, a strong west wind was blowing which made play very difficult for the players and also made it very uncomfortable for the spectators. Although the visitors played a plucky game and fought to the last they were fairly beaten by the local team. Captain Morrison for Bethlehem won the toss and kicked with a strong wind at his back. This, however, did not bother the Hibs in breaking away and they started off in whirlwind fashion, carrying the ball down to Bethlehem's goal and forcing two corner kicks in quick succession while Gallagher, the Hibernian center forward missed an easy chance to put his team in the lead in the first few minutes of the game. However, Clarke relieved the pressure with a huge kick, sending the ball across the field to Fleming who was standing near the half way line. Fleming broke away and made for the Hib's goal, closely pursued by the Hibernian's two fullbacks. He carried the ball to within ten feet of the goal and shot low and hard but Hughes, the Hib's goal keeper, made a great save. This play brought the crowd to its feet and for the next thirty minutes many thrilling incidents were witnessed, but try as they would, Bethlehem could not score. Much credit is due Hughes for the spectacular game he played, many of his saves bordering on the sensational. However, after thirty-five minutes McDonald beat Hughes with a low hard drive, putting Bethlehem one up. Shortly afterwards on a large punt by Fletcher towards the Hibernian's goal, Jones the Hibernian right fullback in trying to head the ball away had the misfortune of putting it through his own goal. The first half ended 2-0. On the restart the Hibernians attacked fiercely, Barrett, Gallagher and Burgin putting in many fierce runs which, however, were fruitless as their shooting was very erratic and wild. After twenty minutes of play in this period, Wilson brought Fleming down inside of the penalty area after the latter had broke through on a pass from Brown. Referee Allen promptly awarded a penalty from which Fleming scored. With three goals in the lead Bethlehem continued to attack fiercely and the Hibs defense went to pieces and with both wings working well together and being fed splendidly by the halfback line three more goals were added by Dean, Pepper and Fleming, the game ending 6 goals to 0. The Hibernians now eliminated from this competition for the season and the Steel company team enters the second round, the draw for which takes place next Saturday night at the Continental hotel, Newark, N. J. The line-up

Hibernian -- Bethlehem
Hughes -- G -- Duncan
Jones -- R.F.B. -- Fletcher
Wilson -- L.F.B. -- Ferguson
Rawson -- R. H. B. -- Campbell
Richardson -- C.H.B. -- Clarke
Robinson -- L.H.B. -- Morrison
Barret -- O.R. -- Dean
R. Burgin -- I.R. -- McDonald
Gallagher -- C.F. -- Pepper
McCafferty -- I.L. -- Brown
W. Burgin -- O.L. -- Fleming

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club