Bethlehem Globe
Tuesday, November 2, 1915

Although the very strong wind which at times resembled a gale prevented the Bethlehem forward line from playing good football, while the manner in which the forwards gave each other opportunities to score goals when in position to shoot themselves showed the right spirit and brought results, every man with the exception of Brown scoring.

By the way of absence of Millar did not seem to weaken the team at all.

At the Colosseum last Friday evening the Bethlehem team was presented with handsome gold medals, emblematic of the semi-centennial celebration of South Bethlehem. These prizes were given the team for winning its game on, Taylor field, Lehigh University, on Wednesday, October 6, Athletic day.

Manager Geohegan of the Hibernian team stated after the game that he considers the Bethlehem team the greatest soccer team in the country and said our halfbacks never gave his forwards a chance to get started; hence their failure to score goals.

The Bethlehem Steel company team will play Lehigh University a practice game on Wednesday afternoon on the East End field.

The team to date has played six games, won six, lost non and scored 32 goals to one against.

Fletcher and McDonald both received injuries on Saturday but played throughout the game.

With men like Murray, McKelvey, Wilson and Scaife ready to take any position on the team at any time, Bethlehem's prospects look bright.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club