The Globe -- Bethlehem
Saturday, November 2, 1918
Soccer Notes
"Jimmy" Murphy, entertainer, all-around athlete and star soccer player has invaded the ranks of the United States service, according to reports received here, with the same bang with which he made his initial debut as an employee of the local plant of the Bethlehem Steel Works. Baseball, football, soccer or no matter what "Jimmy" was called upon to do here he jumped into the thing with a determination that made him a winner. Murphy made several previous bids for the service but was turned down owing to defective eyesight. However, the draft board in his home town thought different and when Murphy responded to a notice to appear for examination he finally found himself inducted into the service. He was assigned with a draft contingent to Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y., where he has been in training ever since.

Hope that the Belgian soldier soccer team will come to America to take part in the Sports Drive for the United War Work Campaign has not been entirely abandoned and from New York comes the announcement that Secretary Cahill of the U. S. F. A. is still dickering with the Belgian kickers and that prospects of their accepting the invitation are good.

Should the Belgians come to America it is more than likely that one of their opponents will be the Bethlehem Steel Workers. Only recently Mr. Eugene Grace, president of the Bethlehem Steel Co., sanctioned a series of games for the fund to be played in the principal cities in the East and agreed to play all traveling and other expenses of the team. In view of this the soccer management in the drive have gone ahead and booked two benefit games for the Steel Workers. The first will be staged in New York City and the team to oppose the steel Workers will be comprised of the players in the New York district. This game is scheduled to be played at the Polo grounds.

Manager Sheridan of the local squad has recovered from a slight attack of the "flu" and will be on hand to pilot his champions to Kearney, N. J., tomorrow morning where in the afternoon the team meets the strong Scottish-Americans in a National League game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club