Quaker City Soccer Fans Doomed to Disappointment
Announcing that the Bethlehem F. C. is slated to make its appearance in Philadelphia this afternoon to meet the strong Fairhill F. C. of that city, in the second round of the National Cup tie competition, is dooming Quaker City fans who should happen to wander to the field to keen disappointment. Bethlehem always a big drawing card in Philadelphia is sure to attract many fans to the announced game. Somebody made a mistake in the dates for Bethlehem F. C. has a big enough dispute on its hand to decide on home loam this afternoon. When the Steel Workers are supposed, according to the announcement, to kickoff with Fairhill, they will be doing that stunt against the National Giants of New York on the Steel Field.
Are Drawn to Meet Fairhill
The Bethlehem's are drawn to meet Fairhill in the cup tie but the date arranged is next Saturday instead. Unfortunately, too, for Bethlehem for the locals were booked up with an excellent, attractive feature for the home lot next Saturday. Tommy Fleming was to bring his crack Pawtucket eleven to the local gaming grounds. While the cup game is a sure enough go next Saturday the scene of hostilities are not definitely decided upon. It is understood that satisfactory arrangements can be made with the Fairhill eleven to play the game in Bethlehem and every effort will be made to bring the game here.