The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, November 4, 1918
Result of Drawing That Took Place Saturday at New York City.

At a special meeting of the National Challenge Cup committee of the United States Football Association held in New York on Saturday, the principal business was the draw for the second round of the cup competition. Owing to many charity games being arranged for the benefit of war funds, it was decided that the second round ties must be played of on the best available date.

The influenza scare has interfered with the first round ties, only eight having reached a definite state so far. The complete pairings for the second round resulted as follows:

Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey -- Bethlehem Steel or New York Ship F. C. vs. Merchants' Shipbuilding A; Federal Shipbuilding vs. Merchants' Shipbuilding B, Scottish -Americans vs. Tietjen & Lang Drydock, Swedish A. C. of Jersey A. C. vs. Paterson F. C.

Western Pennsylvania -- Homestead Steel vs. Pittsburgh F. C.
New York and Connecticut District -- Robins Drydock vs. Bridgeport City, Morse Drydock vs. New York Chinese, Viking F. C. vs. New York F. C.

Northern Massachusetts -- Merrimac Valley vs. Fisk Red Tops or Fore River F. C.

Southern New England -- Pan Americans or J & P Coats vs. Olneyville F.C.

Michigan -- Solway F. C. vs. Roses F. C., Corinthian F. C. vs. Detroit F. C.

Illinois -- Bricklayers and Masons or American-Hungarian F. C. vs. Lincoln Park F. C, Harvey F. C. vs. Scottish-American

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