The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, November 4, 1918
In National League Game Yesterday Local Champions Win, 10 to 0

Fear that the Bethlehem F. C. might grow stale from continual practice and no games to play wowing to the quarantine ban for influenza was dispelled on Sunday afternoon when the Steel Workers not only swamped the Scottish-Americans in a National League game staged at Kearney, N. J., by the large margin of 10 goals to none but revealed to the large gathering of fans that Manager Sheridan's squad is again practically invincible and bids fair to duplicate the feat of capturing the highest laurels in soccerdom by the end of the season. The Scots, reputed to have a strong combination and especially so in playing games on their home grounds, were fairly massacred by the Steel Workers play and in ever department did the Bethlehem eleven excel.

With the prospects of the "flu" ban being lifted in this city by next Saturday being fairly good the New York Ship will journey her for the game, the result of which will probably decide the future campaigning of the Steel Workers.

Against the Scots, Bethlehem opened the game at a dazzling pace and before the home crowd apparently knew they were in a contest the ball was thrice placed in the net. There was no lack in condition of the steel workers or the accuracy of their scientific game for this pace was continued throughout with goals coming thick and fast. In the first few minutes of play McKelvey opened the way for scoring by placing a beautiful kick into the net.

The Scots won the toss and Ratican kicked off against the sun. In the first minute the Steel Workers were around the Scots goal. Campbell got possession of the kickout and the Bethlehem right wing carried the ball down the field. McKelvey scored the first goal after three minutes play. The Scots right wing broke away on the kick from the center but Adamson was forced to shoot from long range and the shot went wide. Another raid by the Bethlehem forward line ended in Forrest registering the second goal in six minutes. A foul against Butler helped the Scots, but Ferguson cleared once more the Steel Workers worked the ball down the field and Butler made the score three nothing with a first time drive. The Scots bore down on the Bethlehem defense and a foul just outside the penalty area looked dangerous, but Cochrane shot past. Offside against McKelvey and Ratican spoiled good openings and the Scots left wing broke away but Fletcher cleared and the Steel Workers were soon at the other end. Butler missed two good opportunities to score. Long shots from Kirkpatrick and Campbell went wide, and Ratican missed the upright on a cross from Fleming. Allen broke away from the Scots, Fletcher cleared but Eadie got possession and sent it over the bar. Another long shot from Hogan also went wide. Offside against McKelvey held up the champions but not for long, Ratican scoring on a cross from Fleming. The goal was disallowed for offside. McKelvey just missed the upright with a fast drive, the Scots left wing broke away but the Bethlehem defense was too strong for them, and Allen's parting shot was harmless. Another well-executed movement by the Bethlehem forward line ended in Butler scoring the fourth goal on half time with a fast low drive from a difficult angle. Score at the end of the first half: Bethlehem Steel 4; Scottish Americans 0.

Second Half

The shooting of the Steel Workers seemed to improve as the game went along, McKelvey sending over the bar in the first minute. Once more the Scots forward line went down the field but the Bethlehem defense was impregnable and Stout was soon the center of attention. Ratican scored the fifth goal on a pass from Forrest, time five minutes. Lance and McKelvey missed the upright and Ratican headed over the bar. Nice work by Bethlehem right wing ended in McKelvey scoring the sixth goal from twenty yards range. The Steel Workers were now taking things easy and delighted the fans with a scientific exhibition of the game, clever work by Fleming and Forrest ended in the latter making the score seven. Continuing to have entire control of the game the Steel Workers forward line and halfbacks rained shots in on Stout so fast that he seemed helpless before the attack, and three more goals were registered before the final whistle blew, Ratican scoring the eighth, McKelvey the ninth, and Ratican the tenth, all goals being the result of clever combination of the halfbacks and forwards. Final score, Bethlehem Steel 10; Scottish American 0.

Bethlehem -- Scottish-Amer.
Duncan -- G -- Stout
Fletcher -- RFB -- Toman
Ferguson -- LFB -- McManus
Kirkpatrick -- RHB -- Rathbone
Campbell -- CHB -- Morrison
Lance -- LHB - -Cochrane
McKelvey -- OR -- Hogan
Butler -- IR -- Adamson
Ratican -- C -- Chadwick
Forrest -- IL -- Eadie
Fleming -- OL -- Allen
Goals -- McKelvey, 2; Forrest, 2; Butler, 3; Ratican 3.

Referee -- A. Birchall.
Linesmen, W. Morrison, Bethlehem Steel, and J. Bunn, Scottish Americans.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club