Interest of the two leagues were in attendance with Armstrong Patterson, president of the U. S. F. A., presiding. The many tangling details to be ironed out consumed a fourteen-hour session and then several details remained yet to be determined today. However, no hitch is expected and operation of the respective leagues is planned to function this coming weekend.
A cheerful announcement locally is that Bethlehem goes back to the old American League crowd and when the meeting adjourned was the only Eastern League club to take that step. However, Hakoah and New York Giants will have the same privilege and it is expected that the former will take advantage of the opportunity.
Relative to the Giants, it is intimated that the club will disband and the players disposed of to other teams in the league. This step is taken to decrease the number of big teams operating in the Metropolitan district and if the plan materializes it will leave Brooklyn, Hakoah and New York Nationals as the three big New York clubs.