The American League of Philadelphia held a semi-monthly meeting in the Inquirer building Thursday night. The appointment of referees for the month was made and also the case of two players, members of the Boys' Club, and the Ranger team, who were ordered off the field by the referee last Saturday for ungentlemanly conduct, was considered and after due deliberation the board in view of the fact that it was their first offense let them off with a reprimand. A very important matter was the special forms issued by the Eastern Pennsylvania and District to be used in the American League for signing amature players. A game for the benefit of the American League and the United League will be played on Thanksgiving morning between the pick of the leagues. efforts will be made to stage a game in Bethlehem between Bethlehem Steel and the pick of the American League.
Bethlehem left this 1:30 p.m. to play Allentown.