Bethlehem Globe
Saturday, November 6, 1915
American Football Association

The American Football association will meet tonight in the Continental hotel, Newark, N. J. All delegates of the winning clubs in the first round will be represented. As there are clubs from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the first round was drawn in districts, but it was agreed that in the second round all clubs should be drawn together and drawn out of the box in pairs. This may mean long distance travelling for some of the teams and it also assures the clubs opportunity to draw at home with an unknown club of good caliber which should make big attractions in the town where the games will be staged. The result of the draw will be sent to the Western Union immediately after the draw is made. Other business of importance to come before the magnates is the suspension of several Newark and New Jersey state officials of the United States Football association and also protest of various games played in the first round.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club