The Bethlehem F. C. is the selection to check the invasion of the pick of the Canadian soccer players in a game to be stated at Harrison Field, Harrison, N. J., on [ . . .] The entire proceeds of the match, which is certain to attract a large crowd, will be handed over to swell the war work fund.
On the day prior to this game the Steel Workers will be put to a severe test when they meet the best player in the Philadelphia circuit for the same benefit. This game is to be played in the National League baseball park, Philadelphia.
These two games together with the regular scheduled contests will crowd into two weeks more real soccer than the champions have ever before been called upon to contest. On Saturday in this city, the Steel Workers open the campaign for the National Cup competition, meeting the strong New York Ship with the celebrated Tommy Swords appearing in the lineup, in the first round. The winner of this game will then be pitted against the Merchant Shipbuilders of Bristol. Should Bethlehem win these two games it would give them a strong hold on the cup championship and pave their way to another successful season.
All the expense of the visit of the Maple Leaf boys will be paid by the Patriotic Sons of Canada, which is deserving of great praise, and their generosity will no doubt be rewarded by a monster turnout.
The expenses of the Bethlehem team will be borne by the Bethlehem Steel Athletic committee.