The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, November 6, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Champion Soccerites Ready for Action
All the players, members of the championship Bethlehem Steel soccer team, who made the trip to England and Scotland after finishing the tour of Sweden are again in home loam and ready for action. With the new man signed, Morrison, Murray and Harris, the local management contend that their eleven is even stronger than it was last year and that every effort will be made again to annex the American honors. This prediction is made despite the fact that Robins Dry Docks, Morse Dry Docks, Erie A. C. and several other clubs have unusually strong teams and promise to make it decidedly interesting for the winning clubs. There is little doubt that Bethlehem will retain its leadership in the National League but will be forced to extend itself in the cup competitions where the clubs will meet with the pick of the country in the National and all the leading teams in the East in the American cup competitions. Since the last of the members returned the players have been practicing regularly and are rapidly shaping into the same machine-like form apparent in their overseas victories. The first National cup game for the Steel Workers is scheduled for Saturday afternoon with the Puritan Y. M. L. of Philadelphia, but there is still some doubt where it will be played and other details. Manager W. L. Lewis, is in hopes that the players will inaugurate their season this week and is making every effort to have the game played either in the Quaker City or on the home lot. With Lehigh going to Penn State for its weekly gridiron contest, it is desired that the Bethlehem Steel field become the scene of this major attraction. If the Puritans cannot play the game an effort will be made to secure some other club for an exhibition contest. The team will get into action in a contest for the first time since their return this afternoon, when they face the Lehigh soccerites in a practice clash.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club