The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 6, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Another Cup Game Here Saturday
Successful in the negotiations to have the scene of the conflict transferred to Bethlehem, soccer enthusiasts will be favored for the second time this season with another cup tilt. The Bethlehems were drawn to meet the Fairhill F. C. of Philadelphia in the second round and the place of playing arranged for Philadelphia. However, with no major attraction booked for Bethlehem on Saturday afternoon the local management though it would be well to transfer the contest to this city and from later reports it has been learned that they were successful. While it is conceded that the Steel Workers seem to have the edge, there is much to be said in favor of the Fairhill lads that they are never defeated until the final whistle. They have met Bethlehem aggregations on other occasions in cup matches and each time they have made it more than usually interesting.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club