The Bethlehem Steel Soccer team have always been held in high esteem by soccer officials and fans all over the country, but the greatest compliment that has ever been paid to them was when the leading soccer officials in this country selected them to uphold the prestige of the United States in the game against the Pick of Canada, for the Sports War Fund, and the Champions can be relied upon to do all in their power to justify the confidence placed in them. Many fans are under the impression that because the game is principally a War Fund Benefit that both teams will be content to give nothing better than a mild exhibition, and nothing could be more erroneous. Canada has always had first class soccer teams, and any contest with an international tinge appeals strongly to the sport loving people of the Dominion, so that nothing will be left undone to send a team that is undoubtedly the pick of the country and the game will probably be one of the hardest fought contests that the Steel Workers have ever taken part in.