Bethlehem Globe
Tuesday, November 9, 1915

Bethlehem Steel on Saturday played a club match with the Allentown Y. M. C. A. in River Front park, Allentown. This was the first appearance of the champion team in Allentown. The score being when the final whistle blew four goals to none in favor of Steel company. Credit is due Allentown for its excellence. Bethlehem Steel had to undoubtedly exert itself to win.

Bethlehem Steel -- Allentown
Scaife -- G -- Leonard
Wilson -- R.F.B. -- Morgan
McKelvey -- L.F.B. -- Garvey
Murray -- R.H.B. -- Kerr
Clarke -- C.H.B. -- Cutherton
Morrison -- L.H.B. -- Smith
Dean -- O.R. -- Morton
Graham -- I.R. -- Haigh
Butler -- C.F. -- Hill
Brown -- I.L. -- Cullen
Gaynor -- O.L. -- Newton
Linesmen -- Ross for Bethlehem Steel; Chubbuck for Y. M. C. A. Goals -- Brown, 2; Clarke 2. (Penalties.) Referee -- Carpenter.

In the draw for the second round of the American Cup, Bethlehem Steel was again fortunate in landing a game at home, its opponent will be either the Clan McDonald F. C. or the Yonkers F. C. These teams last week played a tie game in the first round and Sunday were replaying the game, the winners to meet Bethlehem Steel at Bethlehem in the second round. Both are good teams. The game is to be played on or before November 27 and according to local management will in all probability be staged on Saturday, November 27.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club