The Globe - South Bethlehem
Monday, November 10, 1913
B.A.F.C., 10; I.A., O.

The Bethlehem soccer team on Saturday administered a severe drubbing to the Irish American players, Wilmington, Del., on the latter's field at Wassasct Park, Wilmington. Bethlehem completely outclassed the Irish American eleven and only the sensational goalkeeping of Scaife kept the score down to ten. Morrison opened the scoring for Bethlehem with a twenty-yard drive that completely deceived the Irish American goalkeeper. Fleming sent in one of his cannon ball cross shots that the goalkeeper could not handle. Lewis scored on a pass from Donaghy and Lance banged the ball in for the fourth goal. Bethlehem crossed over with a four goal lead. In the second half, Bethlehem opened in whirlwind style, the Irish American eleven being completely bewildered by the Bethlehem onslaught and it soon became one continuous bombardment of the Irish American's goal with the goalkeeper making at times some sensational saves and clearances but before the final whistle blew, Lewis had scored two more, Lance 2 and Lambertt, the Bethlehem goalkeeper had the distinction of scoring a goal for Bethlehem by converting a penalty which was awarded Bethlehem for handling the ball by full-back Wilson near his own goal. The Schuylkill Falls team will play Bethlehem in a First Division, Allied American League game on East End field, Saturday, November 15. This game should prove a corker, as the Falls team leas the league with three straight wins and no defeats and its win over Disston last Saturday by four goals to none shows it to be a very dangerous team and Bethlehem should not take any chances of being caught napping. The line-up:

Bethlehem -- Irish Americans
Lambert - goal -- Scaife
McKelvey -- R.F. -- Wilson
Carvey -- L.F. -- Murray
Stewart -- R.H.B. -- Burgess
Morrison -- C.H.B. -- Connoly
Lawler -- L.H.B. -- Fitzpatrick
Lleming -- O.L. -- Elliot
Donaghy -- I.L. -- Marley
Lance -- C.F. -- Conroy
Lewis -- I.R. -- Morgan
Galbraith -- O.R. -- Bluck
Referee - John Walders, Philadelphia. Linemen - Handlin and Leonard. Goals - Lance 2, Lewis 3, Fleming 2 Morrison and Lambert. Time of halves - 40 minutes

A general meeting will be held in the National Hotel, East Third Street, this 8 p.m. when plans will be discussed for the trip to Holyoke, Mass., to be taken by the Bethlehem team in the second round American Cup Competition, in which Bethlehem had the hard luck to be drawn to play Holyoke at Holyoke.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club