The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 13, 1917

The Bethlehem Steel soccer team will play the Hibernian F. C. of Philadelphia in an exhibition game on Saturday at the Bethlehem Steel Athletic Field, and a good game is certain to be witnessed, the Hibernians are a strong aggregation this year and the Steel Workers will have to extend themselves to win. A general shake-up will take place in the Bethlehem line-up Saturday, made necessary by the glaringly apparent lassitude displayed in the Disston game.

The Bethlehem Steel halfback line was not up to standard Saturday, and therein lay the effectiveness of the Disston forward line.

Paterson defeated West Hudson and now leads the league and it will mean strenuous work by the Steel Workers if they are to regain the position of honor.

Tommy Fleming certainly had an off day Saturday, one lone shot at goal is something new for him.

"Dick" Spalding played a good game for Disston, but his effectiveness was augmented by the freedom of action allowed him by the Bethlehem forwards.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club