There was no shake-up in the ranks of the Bethlehem F. C. soccer tam when the players reported for the regular Tuesday workout, but there was a spirited drill lasting until a late hour in hopes of ironing out a few of the minor defects noted in the work out of the forward line in the game against the Philadelphia F. C. on Armistice Day.
The reason for speeding up is the argument that looms up before the league campaigners here on Saturday afternoon, when the Brooklyn F. C. conceded one of the strongest contenders in the American League race, come here for a game.
The Brooklyn aggregation have included in their squad celebrities who in the eyes of the Brooklyn fans are considered stars of equal rank with those who sport the Bethlehem colors; and thus far this season have been justified in their opinion as the campaigning to date of the Greater New York aggregation has been the sensation of the league.
Unheralded with the glowing tributes accorded other clubs in the circuit, Brooklyn during the brief period that the circuit has been underway, has forced recognition with their brilliant games.
The Brooklyn club comes here on Saturday with the reputation of having held two of the strongest teams in the circuit to draw games. IT was the Bethlehem team that first fell a victim of the unexpected defensive and offensive strength of Brooklyn and when the locals returned home after being held to a draw had naught but praise for the display of soccer presented by their rivals. Many who saw that game thought it was a flash in the pot but after the Brooklyn crowd went to Fall River and held the league leading champions to a draw were of a different opinion and it was then that Brooklyn was conceded to have a good chance for the laurels.
The showing of the Bethlehems against the Phillies on Monday was not very impressive and for this reason strenuous sessions of practice are being held this week. IT is felt in local ranks that the Bethlehems will have to be much better and stronger than they were on Saturday if they expect to annex the two points allotted for victory on Saturday afternoon.
What promises to please the fans is the fact that the Brooklyns go into all their games with the cup tie spirit and it is this style of play, the rush and kick style, that evokes many thrills and seems very popular with the spectators.
The game on Saturday will be started promptly at 3 o'clock.