The meeting, although not as largely attended as some in the past, was enthusiastically conducted with discussion throughout centering on the support given the Bethlehem club. The interest of the fans who have been regular patrons was not questioned and neither was their loyalty to the club during the days of soccer strife when a member of the Eastern Soccer League.
However, now that Bethlehem is again affiliated with the old crowd, it was pointed out that the expense incurred in fostering the team will be considerably greater than was the case in the Eastern League and to meet these expenses efforts must be made to stimulate greater interest and larger attendance.
Various means were discussed when the Sunday games as a solution was unanimously endorsed. If Sunday games are played they will be against the league clubs. The barrier to this proposition is a suitable ground. Several located in the city were suggested as favorable and which with few improvements could be converted into a first class playing pitch. No definite actions was taken but it is expected it will be at a meeting to be held next Wednesday night at the Hotel Bethlehem, when a report will be on the grounds being considered.