In annexing the two points for victory over the Philadelphia F. C., on Monday afternoon, the Bethlehem F. C. advanced materially in the league standing and is now tied with New York F. C. and J & P Coats for second place. Furthermore, the league leading Fall River aggregation are holding the lead by no more than two points and Saturday's game here against Brooklyn will give Bethlehem the opportunity of tying with the league leaders.
Fall River and J & P Coats, of Pawtucket, R. I., will not be in a position to add to their points over the weekend for both teams will be engaged in a National Cup argument, the replay of the draw staged at Fall River last week. Bethlehem was […] in moving scheduled league game ahead several weeks and by this change can tie with the league leaders.
However, to occupy the top rung with Fall River all that Bethlehem has to do is to defeat the strong Brooklyn team when the latter come here for their second meeting with Bethlehem this Saturday afternoon. To accomplish that feat the task is not going to be very easy which is readily apparent by the strenuous efforts noted this week in the practice of the Bethlehems in rounding into condition.
The Brooklyn Club has established a very good record to date and in the standing of the league is but two points in back of Bethlehem. This is probably due to the fact that Brooklyn played one game less. The Brooklyn club played five games, won two, tied with Fall River and Bethlehem, and dropped but one to the New York F. C.
It was learned today that the time of starting the game will be 2:30 instead of three o'clock as previously mentioned. The visitors will arrive here at noon and after a light lunch will be out to the field ready to respond to the referee's beckoning immediately at the stated time.