The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, November 16, 1923
Outcome of Soccer Contest Saturday Will Have Strong Bearing On

While reference is made to the importance of athletic contests, no matter of what nature, it can be said without exaggeration that the little argument scheduled for the Steel Field tomorrow afternoon, when the Bethlehem team meets the strong Brooklyn team, is of more than passing significance. It is an American League contest and a victory will have an important bearing on the standing insofar as Bethlehem is concerned.

Ever since the start of the season the locals have been trailing along midway in the club standing, but have gradually cut down the lead of the rival opponents until today Bethlehem is included in a triple tie for second place with eight points, and by victory over Brooklyn tomorrow afternoon can tie with the league-leading Fall River outfit.

With this in mind the workouts this week have been spirited and intensive and it is expected that probably the best Bethlehem team of the season will respond to the opening whistle of the referee. Just how the squad will lineup has not been decided and the exact lineup will probably be withheld until shortly before the start of the game.

The Brooklyn team will come here just as determined to win for the points difference in their standing is by no means that great that the team is unable to overtake the league leaders. Furthermore, the visitors will be inspired in their battle against Bethlehem by the previous meeting when the game resulted in a draw and then later the brilliant success against the league leading Fall River outfit.

The soccer game looms up as probably the most important of the major sports attractions in Bethlehem for tomorrow afternoon and a big attendance is expected. IT will probably be the last big league game on home soil until December 9, when the Bethlehem team returned form a New England invasion and meet Fall River here.

Bethlehem's chances of annexing two additional points by the victory in the American Soccer League' race when Brooklyn comes here for a game tomorrow afternoon was somewhat threatened when it was learned today that Capt. Carnihan, the big center halfback, and Grainger, a flashy forward, will be unable to start in their regular positions tomorrow afternoon.

Fortunately with the men under contract with the local club the team is well fortified with reserve talent and two recent acquisitions will be given an opportunity to display their wares. Playing in the position vacated by the injury of Capt. Carnihan will be McGregor, a center halfback, who joined the team this season, while on the wing position vacated by the absence of Grainger will be Turner. These selections are practically definite and were made this afternoon when the tentative lineup for tomorrow was announced.

It was previously mentioned that the game would start at 2:30 o'clock. The time has been changed to 3 o'clock. The visitors will be unable to leave New York shortly before the noon hour and upon their arrival will go immediately to the field. Horace A. Williams has been selected to referee the contest. The lineup of both teams will be as follows:

Bethlehem F. C. – Brooklyn F. C.
Highfield – G – Sigiorney
D. Ferguson – RFB – Robertson
J. Ferguson – LFB – Hunt
McFarland – RHB – Calderwood
McGregor – CHB – Forrest
Terris – LHB – Nicol
Turner – OR – Hogg
A. Jackson – IR – Curtis
W. Jackson – CF – Doherty
Maxwell – IL – Cosgrove
Goldie – OL -- McTay

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club