Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Monday, November 18, 1929
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Versatile Players
Regardless of what position players of the Bethlehem soccer team are shoved into to relieve an emergency the teams seems to function just as effectively, a tribute to the versatility of the individuals. Only recently Archie Stark, a center forward, played a halfback position and played it as a halfback should play it. Again on Saturday against the formidable Providence eleven an injury to Billy Allan, a back, made it necessary to resort to some drastic changes and it was with these shifts in the lineup that Bethlehem notched the winning goal. Bob McGregor proved his versatility when moved from left halfback to left fullback, and so did Alec Massie, an inside forward, who played McGregor's wing back berth.

As a Matter of Comparison
Some of the old-timers who are firm sticklers of the theory that the brand of soccer dispensed these days is not to be compared with that exhibited by the old Bethlehem machines, are getting an eyeful since Bethlehem returned to the old crowd. The latter general is not as readily convinced that this is true and the last two games played on Lehigh field add weight to this opinion. For seed, thrills, cleverness and spectacular performance one can hardly exclude in a comparative rating games played by the old Bethlehem team.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club