The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Monday, November 19, 1917
In an Excellent Soccer Game Here Last Saturday

With six new players in the lineup the champion Bethlehem Steel Company soccer team had a hard tussle defeating the Hibernian F. C. of Philadelphia in an exhibition game here Saturday afternoon, 3 goals to 1. The visitors played a determined game and were strong both on offense and defense, keeping the locals on the run throughout. They drew first blood in the first half and it was not until the last three minutes of the half that the steel workers scored two goals. Only one point was scored in the second half by Bethlehem Steel, when Casey tallied. Substitutes were on the local team for Duncan, Ferguson, Kirkpatrick, Murray, Fleming and Forrest.

Hibernians won the toss and the steel workers were called upon to defend the east goal with the sun and wind in their faces. The ball was forced down the field by the locals, and goaltender Wright, for Hibernians, was soon called upon to save, which he did with a strenuous effort. It immediately became evident that the locals lacked the punch at the critical moment. Harvey, for the Bethlehem Steel, missed a good chance to score after Murphy had worked the ball up from beyond midfield. Four corners were gained early in the game, but each time the local team lacked the ability to score from the centers. Then came the surprise of the game. The visitors put on a sudden spurt and sent the ball down the field and McCartney, the fleet outside left, sent it into the net. It was a fine piece of work, and the crowd game him a hand.

Three minutes before half time McGreevey, one of the substitutes, put the ball into the net and two minutes later Murphy made a pretty assist to Pepper, who headed the ball in for the second score.

The second half was much like the first, except that it was possibly more closely contested and it was not until 10 minutes before the final whistle that Casey found an opening and shot the ball into the net.

Bethlehem -- Hibernians
Easton -- G -- Wright
Fletcher -- RFB -- Clarke
Todd -- LFB -- Watson
Casey -- RHB -- Gaynor
Campbell -- CHB -- Smith
Morrison -- LHB -- Brock
Murphy -- OR -- Coursey
McKelvey -- IR -- Hindman
Harvey -- CF -- Blary
Pepper -- IL -- Havel
McGreevey -- OL -- McCartney
Goals -- McCartney, McGreevey, Pepper and Casey. Referee -- Williams. Linesmen -- Ferguson for Bethlehem; Lamont for Hibs. Time -- Two 45-minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club