The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, November 20, 1918
Soccer Notes

The injured players on the Bethlehem Steel Soccer tam are rapidly responding to treatment and the management will be able to select a team from all the players on the list, so that the champions will be at full strength when they meet the strong Merchant Shipbuilding team in the second round of the National Cup, on the Bethlehem Steel field Saturday afternoon. The Merchants have been in special training for the past three weeks in preparation for this game and they will come here with greater confidence than any team that has visited Bethlehem in a long time with the avowed intention of lowering the champions' colors. The Bristol management have gathered together a formidable team, and Saturday's game bids fair to be the most bitterly contested cup game in Bethlehem's history. The champions do not fear the Bristol aggregation, but nevertheless they hold them in higher esteem than any club in the east, and they will go into the game with as much dash and determination as if it were a cup final, feeling confident that a victory over Bristol will practically mean the championship for Bethlehem for one more year.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club